Monday, May 17, 2010

Sesame Stree Live!

Jakobe and I went to Sesame Street Live on Sunday evening. I have to say I was a lot worried that he wouldn't sit and watch. That he would just want to run around. My kid doesn't like to sit. Not for one minute. I was wrong! He did great! We had great aisle seats where he could see the show perfectly. He sat and watched with his mouth open. I did have to get up with him about 3 times to just go out and walk for a few minutes. The times I had to do this were when the characters weren't singing or dancing so I think he got a little bored. He loved the singing and dancing and Jakobe even danced too! I bought him a Sesame Stree ball and an Elmo balloon! He had a great time! I had a great time spending the evening with him!

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