Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Field Trip!

On Friday, after the Mother's Day lunch at daycare, I decided to take the kids with me back to my work. It had been way too long since my co-workers saw the kids. (Some had never even met Callie bug). So we spent the after noon hanging out at my work. Jakobe thought he was so cool to sit at my desk and pound on the keyboard. He also colored my desk with a highlighter!

Medina (Selma's mom) playing with Kobers! Jakobe just loves Medina. Gee, I wonder why? lol. He definitely knows a pretty girl when he sees one!!! Medina has always been close with Jakobe. Se goes in to see him at daycare and even baby sits him.

Jakobe checking out our filing room. Not sure what he's doing !

Enjoying some snacks in our break room!  
"Aunt Cheryl" holding Callie bug!

"Aunt Ellis" working her magic! Callie bug ate 6 oz!

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