Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day! 2010

Medina holding her daughter Selma and also Callie bug. Happy 1st Mother's Day Medina!

You may notice that Jakobe is missing in these pictures....well he decided that he didn't want his picture taken with Mommy....he wanted to play with his friends instead. :)
I got to spend my lunch hour at daycare for a Mother's Day lunch. Callie made me a flower pot with her picture in it along with some chocolates. Also a card with her hand prints and foot prints. Jakobe made me a flower with a picture of him and I along with a nice card.
I am the luckiest Mommy in the World to be blessed with my two very special babies. I am so lucky to have them in my life! I couldn't imagine life with out them. I now know how my mom and dad would give anything in the World for me. I know how much they love me. I never thought it was possible to love someone so much until I had Jakobe and Callie. They are my life! I love them more than words can say! I am so lucky to have my children. I love you both so much Boo Boos and Bubbs!
To my Mom, Happy Mother's Day! I love you very much! Thank you for being my Mom, my friend, and my role model. It is because of you (and dad) that I am the person I am today. I thank you for all your love and guidance thru life. I will do the same for my children. I love you very much and I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

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