Thursday, February 4, 2010

Callie at 4 Months Old!

Callie is 4 months old on February 1st. She is 11 lbs 8 oz and 24 inches. As of February 3rd, 2010 our baby girl can roll over!!! Woo Hoo! She can hold her head up well. She likes to sit up to view what is going on. She loves to grab and reach for things. She likes light up and musical toys. She smiles, giggles, coos, and laughs a lot! She loves to hear her own voice. She is alert to sounds and looks in the direction a noise or voice comes from. Her face is more animated, showing her moods more often. She puts her fist in her mouth. She makes a smacking noise when she is hungry. She wakes 1-2 times a night to eat and then goes right back to sleep. She eats 4-5 oz at each feeding. She is in 0-3 month clothes and is in a size 1 diaper. Jakobe and Callie get along so well. It is so much fun to see them interact together and to see how excited Callie gets when Jakobe is around her! She is so beautiful. I love her big beautiful eyes!

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