Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Birthday in Bettendorf!

It's cupcake time!
I love this picture...Grammy's face says it all!
Look at Jakobe's cupcake covered fingers!
Aunt Trudy and Callie. Trudy is staying away from the cupcake mess Jakobe is making.
Jakobe was a lucky boy and got a second birthday party in Bettendorf! We celebrated his birthday at Happy Joe's Jungle Bungle! Jakobe enjoyed pizza and icecream upstiars while the staff sang Happy Birthday to him. Then we all went downstairs where Jakobe got to play in the Jungle Bungle play area and RUN RUN RUN! Then he sat and enjoyed a cupcake! It was a super fun weekend! Thanks every one for spending the day with us and making his birthday special!

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