Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Look Who's 2!!!!

Can you believe our little monkey butt is 2? It's so crazy how fast he has grown up! Jakobe weighs 25 lbs and 3 oz. He is 32 inches tall. He has 16 teeth (yes, I counted). Some things that have happened that we are proud of are: NO MORE PACIFIER!!! This has been a huge step for Jakobe. He did great! He no longer wants his paci or even looks for his paci. I think he forgot all about it! BIG BOY BED!!! We changed his crib to a daybed with rails on each side leaving the middle part open. He can climb in and out of his own bed now. He does great at night. He never gets up and out of bed. He sleeps in bed the entire night. Occasionally the poor boy does fall out of bed though....slipping thru the middle opening. He gets up and climbs back into bed. Some of his favorite songs to sing are: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, and Head Shoulders knees and Toes. He loves to play the Freeze game on Yo Gabba Gabba. What is really fun about Jakobe is that he is finally starting to talk. He has a ton of new words just from last month. I'd say he says a new word each day now. Some of his new words are: out, wow, whoa, cake, cow, snow, stop, go, green, yellow, blue, upstairs, stop it, hi fishies, and here you go. He can name three colors: blue, green, and yellow. He is wearing 18-24 month clothes. Size 5 shoes. Size 4 diapers. Jakobe loves to run! He runs every where! He has so much energy. He loves to jump. He can go up stairs all by himself but still needs help going down stairs. He loves to give hugs and kisses especially to Callie. He loves her so much. He is so great with her. He plays with her, talks to her, gives her hugs and kisses, gives her her paci and burp cloth. She always responds to him with a smile or giggle. We love our kids more than words could ever explain. We are so lucky to have such wonderful children. They both bring so much joy, love, happiness, and lots of smiles into our lives. We are so blessed. Here are Jakobe's 2 year professional pictures.

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