Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lady Bug, Monster, and Dinosaur at the Zoo! 10.29.11

Trick-or-Treating with Aubrey at the Zoo.

Jakobe patiently waiting his turn for the inflatable bounce house.

"Can I go now"?

The prettiest Lady Bug and Monster.

Leaving the Zoo. They don't really hold hands. Callie reached out and Kobe took her hand and they began walking.

Kobe let go of her hand and she freaked out. Screamed and threw herself on the ground. She REFUSED to walk until he held her hand again. She has never done this before so it was super cute. All she wanted was for Kobe to hold her hand. Awwwwwww.

Success! After begging Kobe to take her hand so we could leave, Kobe finally gave in and took her hand. Off they went, hand in hand. It was one of the most precious moments.

I love you Kobe.
I love you Sissy.

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