Friday, December 30, 2011


Can we open please???

OH WOW! A HUGE BOX OF DINOSAURS! Jakobe absolutely loved the box filled with lots of dinosaurs. He was running around the room acting like they were flying and running into each other and then eating one another. lol.
Thanks Aunt Barbie and Uncle Dave! You did good :)

Callie looking at her new book, "The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse".
Of course we had to read it right there. You know Callie and books. SHE LOVES THEM!

Kobe playing with some of his new dinosaurs!

Opening another present!
This year we have tried to split up the number of presents they get to open each time. Last year, they had so many things all at once to open that it was just too overwhelming for them. So this year we had the Boettcher family come over on Wednesday to open presents, then on Christmas morning we had them open 3 presents each a couple from us and a couple from Aunt Barb and Uncle Dave. Christmas Eve evening, my Mom (dad was sick, sorry dad, I got him sick) Farmor, Our Nanny, Lora and her husband Dave came over for a nice dinner (that I cooked thank you) lol and delicious deserts (compliments of my Mom) and opened even more presents.Then on Christmas morning were just presents from Santa. Christmas day we went to Grandma Bill and Marilyn's for lunch and even more presents. Christmas evening, we went to my Grandma Ida's house for a nice dinner and even more presents. It worked out much much better this year since we spread out the opening of gifts. It was a fabulous Christmas and the kids and David and I got so many nice things! Thank you every one for making it a wonderful Christmas holiday! Wait, it's not over yet though! This weekend we travel to Bettendorf to celebrate Christmas with Grandma Tara and Papa!

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