Friday, December 30, 2011


He found a little penguin in his stocking!


A FISHING POLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess game for her Leap Pad!

More princess stuff!!!

Kobe didn't waste any time! He's going fishing!

Their 'big' present from Santa! An inflatable bounce house!


I have to share this story. It's Christmas morning Callie wakes up about her normal time. Kobe had just literally woke up too. I go into her room to pick her up and the very first thing out of her mouth, "Me presents"! Lol! It was adorable. So first we went out and saw that Santa ate his cookies and drank all his milk. The kids were so excited! Then they opened their stockings (Kobe was much more excited about taking stuff out of his stocking than Callie was). After that, I grabbed the video camera and we all headed down the stairs. The reaction of Kobe when he saw the big blown up inflatable was priceless! He saw it half way down the stairs, stopped and started at it for a minute. Then his mouth dropped and he ran down the remaining stairs. Ran over to it and began to yell for Sissy! "Sissy, come on, come on Sissy"! They both got in right away and jumped away! It was definitely the reaction David and I were hoping for! Then after jumping for a few minutes, they both saw their CARS and PRINCESS wrapped presents with stuffed animal Penguins and Camels sitting on top. They both got out and opened their presents! Of course, Kobe was most excited about the fishing pole he had asked Santa for! It was just a perfect perfect perfect Christmas morning! The kids just loved their presents and love to jump every single day! Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas 2011!

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