Friday, December 30, 2011

Callie Loves Her Animals!---Video

I've been video crazy today. I took what seems like 30 different videos of Callie. She is just growing up so fast!

5 Little Monkeys---Video

This has been one of Callie's favorite songs lately.

She is so Beautiful.

Her new baby, Jade.

Dinner Time!

Callie is cooking and Kobe is shoving the beater in the toaster :) Boys! lol.

One of My Favorite Pictures 12.28.11

Things are better in two's.


Christmas Morning---Video

Bounce House Fun----Video


He found a little penguin in his stocking!


A FISHING POLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess game for her Leap Pad!

More princess stuff!!!

Kobe didn't waste any time! He's going fishing!

Their 'big' present from Santa! An inflatable bounce house!


I have to share this story. It's Christmas morning Callie wakes up about her normal time. Kobe had just literally woke up too. I go into her room to pick her up and the very first thing out of her mouth, "Me presents"! Lol! It was adorable. So first we went out and saw that Santa ate his cookies and drank all his milk. The kids were so excited! Then they opened their stockings (Kobe was much more excited about taking stuff out of his stocking than Callie was). After that, I grabbed the video camera and we all headed down the stairs. The reaction of Kobe when he saw the big blown up inflatable was priceless! He saw it half way down the stairs, stopped and started at it for a minute. Then his mouth dropped and he ran down the remaining stairs. Ran over to it and began to yell for Sissy! "Sissy, come on, come on Sissy"! They both got in right away and jumped away! It was definitely the reaction David and I were hoping for! Then after jumping for a few minutes, they both saw their CARS and PRINCESS wrapped presents with stuffed animal Penguins and Camels sitting on top. They both got out and opened their presents! Of course, Kobe was most excited about the fishing pole he had asked Santa for! It was just a perfect perfect perfect Christmas morning! The kids just loved their presents and love to jump every single day! Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas 2011!

Christmas Evening at Great-Grandma Ida's!

Everyone getting ready to open presents!

The kids excited to see what they got!

Callie loves her new Cabbage Patch Doll, Jade. Thanks Great-Grandma Ida!

Give me a hug!

Kobe acting goofy while running down the hall!

Cousins 2011
I absolutely love this picture of them watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Lars 4, Elsa 2, Kobe 3, Callie 2
Merry Christmas!

We had a super fun night celebrating with my side of the family. Once again, we had an amazing dinner and lots and lots of presents! It's so much fun with all the kids around. It's definitely a lot of fun with every one!

Sleepy Boys on Christmas Day!

Daddy and Kobe catching a quick nap in between Christmas parties. Next stop, Grandma Ida's house!

Christmas Day at Bill and Marilyn's!

Callie and Papa Bill enjoying some snuggle time :)
We had a nice time at Great-Grandma Marilyn and Great-Grandpa Bill's house on Christmas day. We enjoyed opening presents and a nice lunch. I didn't get a lot of pictures on my camera so I'll have to get some pictures from Tara. To top off a perfect day.....the weather was absolutely gorgeous!!!

santa presents

This is what our basement looked like after Santa left!
They will be so suprised with the bounce house!

It looks like Callie and Kobe were nice! Santa left them a few things :)

Leaving Milk and Cookies for Santa!

Behind Callie, you can see the milk and cookies that they set out for Santa!
Come on Santa!


Can we open please???

OH WOW! A HUGE BOX OF DINOSAURS! Jakobe absolutely loved the box filled with lots of dinosaurs. He was running around the room acting like they were flying and running into each other and then eating one another. lol.
Thanks Aunt Barbie and Uncle Dave! You did good :)

Callie looking at her new book, "The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse".
Of course we had to read it right there. You know Callie and books. SHE LOVES THEM!

Kobe playing with some of his new dinosaurs!

Opening another present!
This year we have tried to split up the number of presents they get to open each time. Last year, they had so many things all at once to open that it was just too overwhelming for them. So this year we had the Boettcher family come over on Wednesday to open presents, then on Christmas morning we had them open 3 presents each a couple from us and a couple from Aunt Barb and Uncle Dave. Christmas Eve evening, my Mom (dad was sick, sorry dad, I got him sick) Farmor, Our Nanny, Lora and her husband Dave came over for a nice dinner (that I cooked thank you) lol and delicious deserts (compliments of my Mom) and opened even more presents.Then on Christmas morning were just presents from Santa. Christmas day we went to Grandma Bill and Marilyn's for lunch and even more presents. Christmas evening, we went to my Grandma Ida's house for a nice dinner and even more presents. It worked out much much better this year since we spread out the opening of gifts. It was a fabulous Christmas and the kids and David and I got so many nice things! Thank you every one for making it a wonderful Christmas holiday! Wait, it's not over yet though! This weekend we travel to Bettendorf to celebrate Christmas with Grandma Tara and Papa!

Christmas Eve 2011!

This year we had Christmas Eve at our house. My Mom, Farmor, our Nanny, Lora and her husband Dave all came over to celebrate. My Dad stayed home because he was very sick (my fault) boo. We sent his presents home with my Mom so he could hope them in bed :) We had a fun time opening lots of presents! The kids favorite.....their gourmet kitchen from Grandma Jane and Bestefar (my parents). After opening, we enjoyed a nice dinner and some wine. It was just an all around perfect, fun, and entertaining evening!

Lora, Dave, David, Farmor (Aldemor), and Kobe opening presents.

Lora getting ready to toss Callie a pink light up ball!

They love their new kitchen! Thanks Grandma Jane and Bestefar!

Cooking a hot dog! The pots and pans are adorable! They light up on the bottom (like they are hot and on the burner) and make a cooking sound.

New toaster! Toast pops up!

Pretty soon, they will be able to cook better than Mommy :)

Getting ready to eat!