Thursday, December 30, 2010


This was our tree this year. Our basement is under construction and we couldn't get to our big tree this year! This one worked out just fine :)

Spongebob Karate! Jakobe loved it!

Fighting over who gets to sit on top of the present!

Callie's favorite walking and purring Kitty!
Merry Christmas! What a super fun morning the kids had opening all their presents from Santa!!! Jakobe was really into it this year! He loved opening his presents and loved even more the gift inside! It was so much fun to see the smile on his face when he opened his presents wrapped in Spongebob paper! He'd say, "Wow, look at that! Cool!" His favorite was the Spongebob Karate! Callie had a great Christmas too! She enjoyed opening her presents also, but only got through about four before she got bored. Jakobe helped her open the rest of hers. Callie's favorite was her white kitty. She loves to give her hugs and kisses and carries her by the fur on her back. The all time favorite between the two is their ball popper! It shoots balls in the air and back down a spiral tube and shoots them back up again!!! It was a super fun Christmas! Mommy and Daddy were good too! We got tickets to a concert in January and David got a dual portable DVD player for his headrests in his car for the kiddos! Merry Christmas to all!!!

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