Thursday, December 30, 2010


Callie has found a new crawl space.....the cat house!

Here we are with another year almost over! Every year seems to go by quicker than the last. Probably because we are so busy with raising two beautiful children. This past year has been filled with ups and downs. From losing a family member to Callie walking. Jakobe is talking more and more every day.  He has such a fun and outgoing personality. He is such a little man! He is so sweet and loving. He loves to give kisses and is very good at saying "Thanks." He's equally as good as saying "It's mine" and "No!" Lol. Callie is a little ball of fire. She is a drama queen but can also hold her own when rough housing with her brother. She has been walking for a little over 2 weeks now. She talks so much. Her new word is "Mine". Probably because Jakobe says it 1,000 times a day. Callie is very sweet. She loves to be held. She likes books and music. She says "Dance" and will begin to dance. I could go on and on about my kids. We are just so lucky to have such amazing kids. We truly are blessed. We have such loving and caring family and amazing friends! We couldn't ask for anything more! Here's to the end of 2010!

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