Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas in the Evening!!!

Cousin Elsa (18 Months) and Callie (14 1/2 Months)

Jakobe, Callie and Lars running down the long hallway!

Cousin Lars almost 4 and Jakobe almost 3.
On Christmas evening, we went to my Grandma Ida's for dinner and presents. We had a great time celebrating with Grandma Ida, Grandma Jane and Grandpa Ken, Cousins, Jenny and Dana and their two kids, Lars and Elsa. My Aunt Barb and Uncle John and their son, Jim. Once again, the kids got a lot of presents! Money, clothes and toys!!! All of the kids had so much fun playing together! It's really nice because all of the kids are around the same age!!!

We had such a fun Christmas spending it with all our family! Thank you to everyone for all the food and presents! It was a great Christmas in Des Moines!!!!

On Friday, we are heading to Bettendorf to celebrate the New Year and Christmas with David's family! We are really looking forward to our mini road trip and more food, family and presents! I'm just not sure our house has any more room for all the presents the kids are about to get :)


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