Thursday, December 30, 2010


Callie has found a new crawl space.....the cat house!

Here we are with another year almost over! Every year seems to go by quicker than the last. Probably because we are so busy with raising two beautiful children. This past year has been filled with ups and downs. From losing a family member to Callie walking. Jakobe is talking more and more every day.  He has such a fun and outgoing personality. He is such a little man! He is so sweet and loving. He loves to give kisses and is very good at saying "Thanks." He's equally as good as saying "It's mine" and "No!" Lol. Callie is a little ball of fire. She is a drama queen but can also hold her own when rough housing with her brother. She has been walking for a little over 2 weeks now. She talks so much. Her new word is "Mine". Probably because Jakobe says it 1,000 times a day. Callie is very sweet. She loves to be held. She likes books and music. She says "Dance" and will begin to dance. I could go on and on about my kids. We are just so lucky to have such amazing kids. We truly are blessed. We have such loving and caring family and amazing friends! We couldn't ask for anything more! Here's to the end of 2010!

Christmas in the Evening!!!

Cousin Elsa (18 Months) and Callie (14 1/2 Months)

Jakobe, Callie and Lars running down the long hallway!

Cousin Lars almost 4 and Jakobe almost 3.
On Christmas evening, we went to my Grandma Ida's for dinner and presents. We had a great time celebrating with Grandma Ida, Grandma Jane and Grandpa Ken, Cousins, Jenny and Dana and their two kids, Lars and Elsa. My Aunt Barb and Uncle John and their son, Jim. Once again, the kids got a lot of presents! Money, clothes and toys!!! All of the kids had so much fun playing together! It's really nice because all of the kids are around the same age!!!

We had such a fun Christmas spending it with all our family! Thank you to everyone for all the food and presents! It was a great Christmas in Des Moines!!!!

On Friday, we are heading to Bettendorf to celebrate the New Year and Christmas with David's family! We are really looking forward to our mini road trip and more food, family and presents! I'm just not sure our house has any more room for all the presents the kids are about to get :)


Christmas in the Afternoon!!!

Callie's Iowa Barbie!!!!!!!!!

Jakobe's remote control car!

Food set! Icecream, hot dogs, carrots and much more!

Callie climbing over a present......

Just to sit on top of it!!!

Jakobe helping cousin Will put together their shopping cart!

Callie just went shopping!!! She got some food and a light up turtle!
To go along with the food set and shopping cart, the kids also got a large kids play kitchen!!!!

Jakobe helping with the presents!

Callie likes to sit in some of the strangest places :)

Watching The Land Before Time!

On Christmas day, we went to David's grandparents house. We celebrated Christmas with Great Grandparents Bill and Marilyn, Grandma Tara and Grandpa Mark, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Bill, Cousins Ryen, Will, and Joe!!! This was our first major Holiday without Tammy, David's aunt. We had a candle lit in her memory and we knew she was looking down on all of us smiling.
Once again, the kids got so many presents! Callie got a beautiful light pink jewelry box from Pottery Barn Kids. Jakobe got a remote control car. Along with lots and lots of other presents, the kids favorite were the shopping cart, play food and super cool kitchen play set! It will be so nice when our basement is completely finished in about a month so we can set the kitchen up for them to play with!!! Thanks for all their super fun toys and gifts!!! Merry Christmas!

Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa!

My parents came over after we were done opening all our presents! Of course, they had even more presents for us and the kids! They both got some super cool stuff!!! The grandparents always do well!!! Callie's favoriet was the Annie DVD and Jakobe's was his super cool Leapster game set along with a Spongebob learning game!!! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!!


This was our tree this year. Our basement is under construction and we couldn't get to our big tree this year! This one worked out just fine :)

Spongebob Karate! Jakobe loved it!

Fighting over who gets to sit on top of the present!

Callie's favorite walking and purring Kitty!
Merry Christmas! What a super fun morning the kids had opening all their presents from Santa!!! Jakobe was really into it this year! He loved opening his presents and loved even more the gift inside! It was so much fun to see the smile on his face when he opened his presents wrapped in Spongebob paper! He'd say, "Wow, look at that! Cool!" His favorite was the Spongebob Karate! Callie had a great Christmas too! She enjoyed opening her presents also, but only got through about four before she got bored. Jakobe helped her open the rest of hers. Callie's favorite was her white kitty. She loves to give her hugs and kisses and carries her by the fur on her back. The all time favorite between the two is their ball popper! It shoots balls in the air and back down a spiral tube and shoots them back up again!!! It was a super fun Christmas! Mommy and Daddy were good too! We got tickets to a concert in January and David got a dual portable DVD player for his headrests in his car for the kiddos! Merry Christmas to all!!!