Monday, June 8, 2009

His BIG Boy Room!

We painted Jakobe's new 'Big boy room' this weekend. His new room is currently his play room. We had to move all of his toys out so we could get ready to paint. Jakobe was so confused. Every time we would move a toy out of his play room we put it in his room. He would go in his room and bring the toy back into his play room. It was pretty cute. It will be his bed room/play room. Callie will get his current room. Anyways, we got the paint to match his new sports bedding. It will look really nice when it's all done. Here is Jakobe......painting his room.
Jakobe's work. He decided to add a little finger painting to it also. Note his hand print that is smudged to the right.
The fabulous painters! Papa, Tara, and Leslie. Oh and I helped too! Thanks everyone!
The finished room.....well kind of. The wall is dry and I put up a valance to see what it looked like with the colors. We think it looks great!
We are thinking about switching rooms around the middle to end of July. Callie's crib arrives next weekend and her dresser and hutch won't be here until the first week of July which is when we will be on vacation. So we are thinking sometime in July.

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