Thursday, June 18, 2009

He Bit Me!

I'm not sure what Jakobe's deal was this morning but he has never bitten me or anyone else. I was filling out his daily sheet at daycare and he was tugging at my leg for me to pick him up. Once I was done I bent down and picked him up. He put his face on my shoulder and bit me........hard. I let out a yell and put him down. I squeezed his cheeks and said 'Do not bit me'! 'That is not nice Jakobe'! Of course he then threw himself down on the floor throwing a fit. I put his sippy cup in the fridge....he came over to me wanting me to pick him up. Oh boy he knew mommy was mad at him. I did not pick him up. I was still so mad that he had bit me. He has other ways of expressing his anger than to bite. That's what made me most upset. Anyways, I left daycare angry and in pain....and he was still crying. I called daycare a few hours later and Ashley said he was doing ok but was being a little naughty today. It must be the weather. Or the fact that Jakobe knows today is Ashley's last day at daycare as his teacher. She is pregnant and due tomorrow. It should make for an interesting evening at home tonight. Here are pictures of the bite mark.

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