Thursday, June 9, 2011

5.28.11 Smith & Belby Wedding!

Congratulation to Jen Smith and Ian Belby. What a beautiful bride and handsome groom!
Mr. and Mrs. Belby!

The reception was jaw dropping gorgeous!

Olivia and Callie became best buddies. They both had casts on their left arms. She broke her arm doing a cart-wheel. Ironically, both girls were scheduled to get their casts off the same day!!! June 2nd!

The yummy yummy candy bar!

It had every possible candy you could think of!

Grandma and Kobe getting ready to fill his bucket with candy!

That is a chocolate ball in her mouth :)

Molly, Courtney, Hilary, Anne, and Kaley all on the dance floor!!!
Mike Sitrick and David Sitrick talking about cars :)

Cousin Molly and Kobe!

As you can see, we all had an amazing time!!! It was so great to celebrate their marriage, see family, enjoy great food and great drinks and best of all DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!!!! The Smiths' and Belbys' sure know how to throw a party!!!

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