Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We went to Kids Fest on Sunday with David's Aunt Leslie (Aunt Louy). Kids Fest is a popular kids convention at the fairgrounds once a year. Every thing is for kids. Jakobe had a blast this year. He was able to partcipate in numerous activities: basketball, soccer, throwing, spinning the wheel, got a tattoo, made an ID card, and got a ton of free food, candy and coupons! It was so much fun and both Callie and Jakobe were on their best behavior!!!
Jakobe pulling Aunt Louy, telling her to hurry up!
Enjoying some popcorn!

Coloring in his new coloring book.
Mommy and Jakobe checking out the new Camero Police Car!
Getting a tattoo!

Look at that shot!
Callie just taking every thing in and playing with her toys.

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