I can't believe she is 5 months old already! Callie weighs 12 lbs 12 oz. She is long and lean. She's our little peanut. She is just so beautiful. Her big brown eyes just melt your heart. She is so pretty. She is doing very well eating. She'll eat 4-5 oz every 4 to 5 hours. We just started her on cereal this past weekend. She did really well eating. Jakobe even got to feed her. He was excited. She also sleeps well. She sleeps in her crib. Waking every 4 to 5 hours to eat. I'm definitely not complaining since she does MUCH better than Jakobe ever did! She smiles and giggles a lot. She will 'talk' to you. She says 'mama' but doesn't mean to. I don't mind though, she still says it :) She can move all over the place by rolling. She can get across the room. She loves to sit up with support. She has great neck control now. She babbles a lot. It's so cute. She is very tickleish, her armpits and feet are the best. She laughs when you take her shirt off, because you have to pull her arms out and she is so tickleish that she laughs. She is adorable! She is good at grabbing and holding onto toys. She is so close to being able to put her pacifier back into her mouth. She is working on holding her bottle but isn't quite strong enough to hold up up high. She loves to play in her exersaucer. She loves to lay on the floor and roll around. She can also push her entire chest off the floor. She likes to be told she is pretty, I think she already knows that she is. I call her 'pretties'. She is so laid back and loves to watch Bubbs. We are just so lucky to have such beautiful children. I couldn't imagine life without them! Just a smile from them every day makes motherhood and parenting beyond worth it! I love them so much!
Snow Days, Fuzzy Hats, and Puzzles
6 years ago
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