Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Many Pumpkins Do You See?

This is one of the four pumpkins we went home with. It weighed just as much as Jakobe. weighing in at 25 pounds. Jakobe weighs 24 pounds. :) Jakobe had so much fun at the pumpkin farm. He bounced on a giant bubble, played bean bag toss, went for a wheel barrow ride, saw goats and kittens, played in the hay barn, drove a tractor, and went for a hay rack ride out to the pumpkin field and got to pick out his very own pumpkin. He had a blast and was so much fun!!! He found the pumpkin he wanted.
I can carry it!!!
Searching for the right pumpkin.
I want this one!
Playing in the barn with all the hay.
Going for a ride in the wheel barrow.
Driving the tractor with help from Daddy.
Playing with the bean bag toss. He had fun with this. He would run back and forth and throw the bean bags into the holes. He has quite an arm on him!!!

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