Saturday, October 24, 2009

21 Months Old!

Relaxing in Callie's swing.
Eating at the table like a big boy. No more high chair!!!
Lots of kisses from mommy.
Jakobe is 21 months old. He weighs 24 pounds even. He is doing extremely well being a big brother. Today he helped me give Callie a bath. She is 3 weeks old and so far he has given her her bottle, her pacifier, and kisses. We are getting somewhere. He still gets jealous every now and then but he's doing much better. I'm extremely impressed with how quickly he has adjusted to her. Jakobe growing everyday. He is so much fun. He has so much energy and it is such a blast to play with him. He can now get up on the couch all by himself and he can jump. He likes to jump. He also likes to run. The kid never walks anywhere! He's always on the go! He sits at the table now to more high chair. As much as I love the baby stage, I can't wait for Callie to get a little older so she and Jakobe can interact and play together. As we all know that will be around the fast as they grow up. Pretty soon, we'll be planning Jakobe's 2nd birthday! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

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