Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Vacation Pictures!

Making Smores!Jakobe watching the fire and getting ready for fireworks.
He didn't really know what to think of the lake water.
At High Cliff State Park. Walking through the Indian Mounds.
Playing at the YMCA!
Spaghetti. Yum!
Strawberry Fields Forever!
We found a strawberry field and got to pick our own strawberries.
Jakobe liked to squeeze the strawberries.
A fun day at the Zoo.
Getting ready to get his diaper changed in the back of my car.
He kept teasing the poor goat with his chicken nugget.
HIS FAVORITE!!!!!!!! Feeding the Giraffes!
Dinner at T.G.I.F.
Napping after a day of shopping.
At the Water Park.
FUNSET BLVD. A family fun center.
Even daddy had fun playing games!
He loved the slide.
And loved the ball pit!
Back at the cabin.
A trip to the mall isn't the same without some icecream!The view from our back yard.
At the YMCA again.
Playing some basketball with daddy.
It's breakfast time. We bought this booster seat for him so we didn't have to bring a high chair. He just sat on the floor and watched his DVD's. It was perfect.
We had a great time on vacation. We had only a couple really nice days. Being on the water it was pretty chilly for July. We had to find a lot of indoor things to do. Jakobe did a really good job and I'm glad to say did not take off toward the water once. Next year will be completely different when we have 2 kids with us. My mom was there this year and was a huge helping hand. It was great to be on vacation with her again.

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