Friday, April 3, 2009

First Haircut!

Look at my new haircut!!!
The Haircut and his audience......everyone came to watch!
He didn't really know what to think about the buzzers.
He's looking at me like "mom, what is going on?"
Bye Bye long hair.
Jakobe had his first haircut at 14 months old. We went to a cute place called Kiddles. Jakobe had no idea what was going on. They sat him in a high chair type of seat and gave him a toy to play with. He didn't fuss, jerk, or even move much during his haircut. He was very good. It took less than 10 minutes. His haircut turned out adorable and he now looks like a little man. We even bought some hair gel to put in his hair to style it. The girls are going to be after him!

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