Thursday, April 2, 2009

14 Months Old!

Sorry I'm a little late getting this one posted. Here is what is going on with Jakobe now at 14 months. First of all. He will get his very first haircut this evening 4/2/09. Words that he can say now: Uh-Oh, dada, daddy, touchdown, hi, all done, and thank you. (Notice there is no mama in there. He used to say it but hasn't for months now. It makes me sad). He gives hugs, kisses, high fives, dances, bring you toys, waves bye-bye, can get off the couch on stomach feet first, can get into bath tub, his favorite foods are mac and cheese and ice cream. He still has 6 teeth. 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom. He throws fits and fusses when he wants something. He loves to climb on things. Just figured out how to push the button on his 4-wheeler. He weighs 18 lbs 14 oz and is 28 inches.

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