Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Jakobe's hair looked like a peacock when he woke up from his nap. It was hilarious!


Andrea said...

He is such a cutie! :) I have been checking out your blog throughout the past year since my dad gave me the link, and it has been fun reading about your little guy and seeing all of the pictures & videos. I've been meaning to drop you a line and "introduce" myself. Did my dad tell you that we have the exact same theme/bedding in Logan's room (the moon & stars stuff?)--also last year I saw that your pediatrician is the same guy who was mine when I was growing up! Anyway, I love your sidebar and hope you won't mind if I copy that idea? Congrats to Jakobe walking!

Barb said...

OMG, that peacock is TOO funny! SO CUTE!! We had such a great time at Christmas and Carson and Jakobe were so cute together. I will look through my pics because there were a couple that I loved. I will share them with you! I still can't believe he is going to be a year old! That time flew by! He is SUCH A CUTIE!
Love ya!