Monday, January 26, 2009

1 Year Professional Pictures!

He's 1!!! We still can't believe it! Where has our little 6 lbs 4 oz baby gone?!?! The past year has been an amazing experience! It has been so exciting watching Jakobe grow into the little man that he is. It's just shocking how fast he is growing up. Going from sitting up to crawling to now walking! It seems like it all just happened overnight. Jakobe is such an amazing, perfect, and precious little boy. He brings so much happiness and love into our lives. He is such a great little baby. We love him so much! A few new things this month: Jakobe weighs 18 lbs 5 oz and is 27 1/2 inches long at 1 year. Not quite to the 20 lbs that I hoped. I'm so ready to get him in a forward facing car seat!!! Jakobe started walking at 11 1/2 months! This was so exciting for all of us! He is all over the house now. He can reach things he couldn't before. He also lets us know when he is hungry. He smacks his lips together over and over again. He is now on the sippy cup!!! He's eating lots and lots of table food. He basically eats what we eat. He can now go from sitting to standing all by himself. Before he needed an object or wall to hold onto to get up to a standing position. Now he can stand all by himself. He still hasn't said any other words other than 'mama' and 'dada'. I swear he said 'fan' the other night while he was pointing to our ceiling fan but I'm still not positive. He still loves to clap. He also 'talks' all the time. He is just so much fun to watch and interact with! Happy 1st Birthday Jakobe!!!

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