Wednesday, October 12, 2011

These Boots Are Made For Walkin'

Callie wanted to wear her new pink cowgirl boots to Sarah's bridal shower.
They are pretty adorable on her....after all, what isn't?

Callie and her favorite BFF! No, I'm not kidding. This is Sarah, Sarah used to work at the daycare and Callie fell in love with her. Sarah is Callie's favorite person in the entire world....yes, she tops David and I (I'm still not kidding). Callie just loves Sarah and Sarah loves Callie. Sarah asked Callie to be her flower girl in her wedding in October!!!!! So here is Callie on top of the world sitting with Sarah at her bridal shower.
We've been practicing with Callie on her petal throwing skills for her upcoming walk down the aisle as a flower girl. She's not too good at walking and throwing at the same time. We might just have to do one or the other :)

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