Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Disney World 2011

Waiting for our first flight

First Plane Ride

First Plane Ride

Both kids did amazing on the plane ride. Jakobe slept the entire time. Callie took a short nap then watched a DVD and played with Crayons.

The amazing view from our hotel room!
Animal Kingdom Lodge

The bunk beds were a big hit!

Callie under the bed. Not sure why. LOL

Can my kids be any more excited??? Look how happy they are to be with their Papa!!!

We got our Monkeys!

Our Hotel

Fire pit at our hotel

The Game Room at our hotel

He's a pro!

The playground.....at our hotel!

We are looking for Callie's pacifier that she lost in the hallway. She's saying "Where'd it go"?

Pool time at the hotel! The kids loved the water!

All tuckered out from jumping in the pool a hundred times :) He napped well.


At Animal Kingdom Park

All the people. Tree of Life in the background.

Giant fish tank.


Enjoying a Mickey Icecream Bar.

On the bus, back to the hotel. Busy day at the Animal Kingdom Park!


CHOO CHOO! Kobe's favorite!

On the Train!

Callie wants to go that way!

The Disney Show

On the boat ride

Jakobe's favorite!

Jakobe got a bubble gun!

The Parade at Magic Kingdom. We were up front with a perfect view! This was the kids' favorite!

Jakobe's favorite new toy. Buzz Lightyear! Jakobe says, "To Infinity and Beyond"! Just like Buzz.

Yup, sleeping in the stroller!

Playing with the bubble gun, waiting for the show to start. It was good entertainment for my kids and the kids around. They all loved the bubbles and Jakobe was a hit because HE was the one with the bubble gun!

Drowning Buzz in Bubbles.

Watching the show!

So cool

The kids' got Micky shaped balloons.

Back at the hotel. Daddy and Sissy.

Sissy playing in the wading pool for infants and toddlers.

Callie carrying around her balloon.

Our date night.

The kids loved the Mickey shaped waffles!

Papa and David.....on their way to play golf!

It was design a shirt day at the hotel! Thanks to Grandma Tara for helping!

The Mara.
Where we ate a majority of our meals.

Daddy is smiling because he just got done golfing and played very well :)

St. Patricks Day

Tara and myself enjoyed a nice massage Friday morning.

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View of the pool and hotel

Tara and I watched......and we will never look at Flamingos the same........EVER!

Callie dancing in the mirror

Heading to the pool for the last time

Jakobe learned how to put in his own DVD's in the DVD player in our room.

Jakobe wearing Daddy's Burberry Pajama pants! They look good on him :)

Eatting Pizza....our last night.

Headed home. Waiting to board our plane.

They're both out.

Jakobe eating his McDonalds on the plane....waiting for take off!

Callie's new Minnie earrings.

Waiting for our luggage

Jakobe loved helping Daddy pull the luggage off the belt. He was so excited and kept saying "That's Mine"! When ever a suitcase would go by.

Jakobe pulling his luggage.

Driving home. End of an amazing vacation we will never forget!

This is where David played golf.

Here is a video of our last plane ride during take off. Listen to Jakobe.

Here is a video of the view from our hotel balcony of all the animals roaming around. This is what I miss the most. We all loved watching the animals.

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