Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Jakobe!!!!

Katie and Jakobe

Grandma Jane helping Jakobe play the Ball Popper game!

Chucke putting on Jakobe's birthday crown!

Here Mommy.

Now for you Daddy.

Happy Birthday Kobe!

Daddy and Kobe in the Ticket Blaster!

Jakobe's new bike from Selma!
Grandpa teaching him how to ride!

He's doing pretty well!!!

Muris, Medina, and Selma

Jessica, Ryan, and Roland

Jakobe had an amazing 3rd Birthday!!! We celebrated his big day at Chuck-E-Cheese! Friends and family came to celebrate! We all had tokens and played games to win tickets which was super fun! Then we sat for pizza and pop followed by a birthday celebration where Jakobe got his Birthday Crown from Chucke himself! We all sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed some cake! Jakobe and daddy got to go in the Super Cool Ticket Blaster where they had a chance to grab tickets in the air!!! It was a great party and I still can't believe my 'baby' is THREE!!!

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