Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Child Safety :)

Thank Goodness for child safety locks. Jakobe's new thing is holding the door handle open while I'm driving and saying "Look, I got it"! "Mama, it's stuck". Then I say, "It's stuck for a reason Jakobe". LOL.

Dancing Boo!----Video

She loves to dance!!!

Our New Basement!!!

Jakobe's car and tracks. His favorite!

Boo loves books.

The kids' area

The adult area

Katie and David

The kitchen that took Mommy 5 hours to put together (no, I'm not kidding)
After numerous flooding and total demolishing, our basement is finally done. We started in August of 2010 with ripping out all the carpet and throwing away numerous items and furniture due to water damage. We got our basement waterproofed and then the demolition began. We tore everything out, floors, walls, ceiling, everything and started from scratch. Talk about building a custom basement! After months and months of remodeling, it's finally complete! It's like we have a whole new house! The space is just unbelievable! The kids absolutely love it! They have room to play and run around. Jump on their trampoline and slide down their slide. Jakobe and Callie both enjoy dancing in the middle of the room! They have their kids table to read books, play with Play-Doh and eat their snacks. It's seriously a dream basement. We have been waiting for so long.....over 2 years to use our basement and now we finally can!!!!!!!!!!

I'll post some pictures of the demolition and remodeling.

Also, a HUGE 'Thank You' to everyone who helped out during this long and exhausting process!!! My BFF Katie who has helped from day 1, all the people who helped paint and move furniture! Also, my grandma Farmor, my parents and David's parents, and not to mention, our contractor, Tim! He is absolutely amazing and did a perfect job!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Little Miss Chatter Box---Video (turn up your volume)

She was telling me that she wanted to feed the kitty. It's her new favorite thing!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jakobe's new bed!

Jakobe got a new Twin size bed for his birthday! Thank you to Grandpa Mark and Grandma Tara for his mattress and box spring!!! It wouldn't be complete without the adorable bedding from Pottery Barn Kids! Thanks to my parents, Ken and Jane for his big boy bedding! Jakobe is absolutely loving his new big boy bed! He does great going to bed and falling asleep in it! One plus for Jakobe......sissy can't climb up on his bed anymore! The two of them do love to play on his bed though. 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed!!!
Thanks to all the grandparents for his new bed for his birthday!!!

Birthday Fun!

Jakobe riding his sweet new bike! Thanks Medina, Muris, and Selma!!!

Jakobe did my make-up. Don't I look pretty?

Happy Birthday to Y-O-U!!!!

Jakobe's Spongebob Birthday Cake made by Jessica!!!!
And yes, it was as yummy as it looks!

Happy 3rd Birthday Jakobe!!!!

Katie and Jakobe

Grandma Jane helping Jakobe play the Ball Popper game!

Chucke putting on Jakobe's birthday crown!

Here Mommy.

Now for you Daddy.

Happy Birthday Kobe!

Daddy and Kobe in the Ticket Blaster!

Jakobe's new bike from Selma!
Grandpa teaching him how to ride!

He's doing pretty well!!!

Muris, Medina, and Selma

Jessica, Ryan, and Roland

Jakobe had an amazing 3rd Birthday!!! We celebrated his big day at Chuck-E-Cheese! Friends and family came to celebrate! We all had tokens and played games to win tickets which was super fun! Then we sat for pizza and pop followed by a birthday celebration where Jakobe got his Birthday Crown from Chucke himself! We all sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed some cake! Jakobe and daddy got to go in the Super Cool Ticket Blaster where they had a chance to grab tickets in the air!!! It was a great party and I still can't believe my 'baby' is THREE!!!