Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Callie Bug!

The Ladybug cake and cupcakes!

Callie's cake!

'Aunt' Katie and Callie Bug!

My friend Dana and her 8 month old son, Atticus.

Selma and Callie. Selma is 9 months old.

Medina and Selma.
Callie and Anne.
Jessica and Roland.

Mommy and her birthday princess!
Callie's favorite person in the entire world! Sarah! Sarah is Callie's daycare teacher and they both just adore one another! Sarah is also the girl who drew the amazing drawing of Callie sleeping!

Jody, Cheryl, Amy and Katie!

All her presents!

Callie fell asleep in her swing ;)

Callie's birthday is October 1st. We were able to celebrate her birthday on October 2nd, the same day as Grandma Tara's birthday! We had it outside at a nearby park in Johnston. It was cold and windy but it didn't stop any of our friends and family from coming and celebrating! There were in total around 50 people who came to celebrate her special day! She loved her ladybug cake and dug right in! A huge thanks to my great friend Jessica who made the ladybug cakes and cupcakes! It will be a birthday to remember! Thank you to everyone who shared her day with us! She got a ton of wonderful birthday presents! Happy 1st Birthday Callie Bug!!!!

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