Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fun Weekend in Bettendorf!

We had a fun weekend in Bettendorf. We got to see family and celebrate Cousin Carson turning 2! We also got to meet baby Samantha for the first time. Callie is 1 month older than Sam and Jakobe is 3 months older than Carson. It was great to see every one again and get the kids together!
This is Jakobe's room at Grandma and Grandpa's in Bettendorf.

Cousin Jenny holding Samantha and Aunt Trudy holding Callie.

Carson and Jakobe. Jakobe is trying to give Carson a 'Pucker Kiss'.

Aunt Trudy and Callie.

Great Grammy loving Callie.

The boys tickleing Aunt Baba.

Callie and Samantha

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