Monday, December 14, 2009

Callie's 2 Month Professional Pictures

Pictures were an adventure to say the least this year with 2 kids. Callie was perfect. She smiled and giggled and was just happy to be getting her pictures taken. I thought I was being smart by booking their very last appointment. I figured if I did this we wouldn't be rushed or be holding anyone up. MISTAKE! The appointment was at 7:00pm. They took all of Callie's individual pictures first. By the time it was Jakobe's individual picture time it was close to 8:00. We tried to get him to sit in a chair and he screamed and threw his arms and legs. We tried for the floor....still screamed and threw a fit. We finally decided to give up on the individual pictures for him and went for the family shots. That was a disaster too. He screamed and screamed. I had to hold him down on my lap with all my strength. The picture lady was great, she was doing everything possible to get Jakobe to smile. In some of the pictures he was smiling but trying not to smile. The family shot was the ONLY decent family shot we got in about 15 proofs. You can tell by David's face that he was just done. It all came down to Jakobe being tired. I made the appointment too late. Live and learn I guess. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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