Monday, July 27, 2009

18 Months Old!

18 months old.
Playing Peek-A-Boo with a blanket.
Jakobe is a year and a half old already. I can't believe it! He weighs 22 lbs 3 oz. He still has 12 teeth. He now says 'bye bye' and 'hot'. He shakes his head yes and no in response. He loves to play peek-a-boo and is working on saying 'peek-a-boo'. I ask him "Where is baby?" He will lift up my shirt and point to my belly and say ''bebe". Then I ask him to give baby a kiss and he does. It's my new favorite thing. I love it!

Iowa Games!

David played soccer in the Iowa Games over the weekend. They were 2-2. David played great. He scored two goals winning one game and had an assist to Rico winning the other game. David had a great time playing and we had a great time watching him play. There's daddy....#19.
It was pretty hot out.
Watching daddy.
Jakobe ran out onto the field and back again after the game was over.
Daddy coming over to get a hug from his boy after the game.
Both boys all zonked out. It was a long and busy weekend.

Jakobe's Room.....all finished!

We just put up the final piece of Jakobe's new room. This is the onesie he wore in the hospital when he was born. He had his newborn pictures taken in it. We got it framed and hung it on his wall (it's sports themed to match his room) to always remind us how far he has come and how little he used to be.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I guess Jakobe decided he was all done eating without even letting us know. He fell asleep in his high chair!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Bubbles! ---video

Here is a short video of Jakobe saying 'bubbles'. He says it a lot better than this but you get the idea.

Happy 26th Birthday Mommy!

Helping me open my presents. Pulling on the cat's tail.
Happy Birthday Mommy!
I had a wonderful 26th birthday. Spending it with my family and getting presents made turning 26 not so bad after all.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Move! Kids' Rooms.

Callie's new room. It's still in the works. Callie's Room.
Jakobe's new room.
Jakobe's room. We still need things for the walls but his room is pretty much done.
Benzi's new favorite place.......the changing table. Jakobe and his new sports bean bag.
Dancing in his old room.
It's all cleaned out. Ready to move Callie's new furniture in.

The Kid's New Rooms--------video

Here are Callie's and Jakobe's new rooms. Jakobe's room is pretty much all done except for nothing is on his walls yet. We still have some work to do to Callie's. We think the rooms turned out perfectly!!!

Fireworks!!! ---video

Jakobe loved watching the fireworks on the 4th of July!!! He even got to do his own sparklers!

Note: Keep an eye out toward the end of the video. The firework made a loud noise and scared the crap out of all of us! It was pretty funny. Jakobe even jumps too.

Riding the Train! --- video

Riding the train with daddy at FUNSET BLVD.

Running, Running, Running---video

Jakobe and daddy playing at the YMCA on vacation.

17 months old!

Jakobe is 17 months old. It's hard to believe. He weighs 22 lbs. He has 12 teeth. Some new words this month: 'Bubbles', 'Up', 'Thank You' and 'Baby'. He loves to play peek-a-boo. He will put a blanket over his face and remove it quickly. He also does 'Strongman'. We will say 'strongman' and Jakobe will go 'grrrrrr' and make fists like he is flexing. I will also ask Jakobe 'Where is baby?' He will lift up my shirt, point to my stomach and say 'baby'. It's so cute. Although he still has no idea what baby means nor does he realize what he is for in about 3 months when his new sister comes home. One other thing this month is that he got moved up to the next room at daycare. This is a big step. He now only has one nap a day instead of two. He naps on a mat instead of in a crib and he eats at a table not in a high chair. He seems to be doing really well in his new room. It has been a big adjustment from his old room but he is doing great. He loves his teachers and his new friends.

Vacation Pictures!

Making Smores!Jakobe watching the fire and getting ready for fireworks.
He didn't really know what to think of the lake water.
At High Cliff State Park. Walking through the Indian Mounds.
Playing at the YMCA!
Spaghetti. Yum!
Strawberry Fields Forever!
We found a strawberry field and got to pick our own strawberries.
Jakobe liked to squeeze the strawberries.
A fun day at the Zoo.
Getting ready to get his diaper changed in the back of my car.
He kept teasing the poor goat with his chicken nugget.
HIS FAVORITE!!!!!!!! Feeding the Giraffes!
Dinner at T.G.I.F.
Napping after a day of shopping.
At the Water Park.
FUNSET BLVD. A family fun center.
Even daddy had fun playing games!
He loved the slide.
And loved the ball pit!
Back at the cabin.
A trip to the mall isn't the same without some icecream!The view from our back yard.
At the YMCA again.
Playing some basketball with daddy.
It's breakfast time. We bought this booster seat for him so we didn't have to bring a high chair. He just sat on the floor and watched his DVD's. It was perfect.
We had a great time on vacation. We had only a couple really nice days. Being on the water it was pretty chilly for July. We had to find a lot of indoor things to do. Jakobe did a really good job and I'm glad to say did not take off toward the water once. Next year will be completely different when we have 2 kids with us. My mom was there this year and was a huge helping hand. It was great to be on vacation with her again.