Tuesday, December 30, 2008

11 Month Professional Pictures

Can you believe it? Jakobe is 11 months old. Where did the time go? It's scary that his 1st birthday party is already planned. It's right around the corner. At 11 months Jakobe weighs 17 lbs. 3 oz. He is still on table food. He eats pretty much what David and I eat. Just as long as it's soft and small enough he won't choke. His favorties are pasta, chicken, and icecream. He says Mama, Dada, mom, and dad. He definitely has separation anxiety and is a little on the sketchy side when it comes to strangers. He can do patty cake now. One of the most exciting things is that he took his first steps. He started with 2 steps on Wednesday, Dec. 17th. On Christmas Day he went to 3 steps. Then on the 26th he broke his record taking 8 steps!!! It was so exciting. It won't be long before our little Jakobe is walking! Jakobe has 3 teeth now. 2 on the top and 1 on the bottom. There are 2 others starting to come in also. 1 on the top and 1 on the bottom. He's basically getting 5 teeth at once! He's done very well teething. He hasn't been fussy at all. He's such a little man now. He is so much fun to watch and play with. He can climb very well over things and gets around the entire house by holding onto furniture or walls. Jakobe is so much fun. He laughs and plays and is just so much fun!

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