Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Callie Bug is Turning One!

Can you believe that our little bug will turn One in less than two weeks? Where has this year gone? I figured it was time I posted an 'update' for her between 11 and 11 1/2 months.
At 11 months, she weighed 17 lbs. 7 oz. She wears 6-9 month clothes. Still in size 2 diapers. She got ear tubes put in and was also baptized. She says a few words: Mama, Dada, Uh-Oh, Ugh-Uh, Bye-Bye, and Hi. She also waves, hi and bye. She eats everything, I mean everything. She is a hog. She eats what Jakobe eats, from mac and cheese, to hot dogs, and even pizza! She has 5 teeth. 3 on the bottom and 2 up top. She is off formula and the bottle. She takes regular milk in a big girl sippy cup. She shakes her head 'no' and pushes whatever it is away. Sometimes she will refuse it and say 'Ugh-Uh'. She smacks her lips together when she is hungry....which seems to be all the time. :) She loves to rough house and get tackled by Jakobe. Yes, I am serious. She is a tough little girl and is no longer our drama queen. She is a little girly girl but a tough one :) She follows Jakobe everywhere. They love each other so much. They are both so sweet to one another and love to play together. She likes the music on Yo Gabba Gabba. She dances when ever music comes on. She claps and says 'yeah' for herself. She loves toys that play music. She walks well with a walker or holding onto furniture but has no interest in walking yet. She crawls everywhere, and fast too. The best of all she loves to give open mouth kisses and even blows kisses when you ask. She is just a sweet sweet girl. We are excited to see what her next year brings us! We are so lucky to have such wonderful, amazing, special, and loving kids, family and friends!
Callie and Jakobe, Mommy and Daddy love you more than we can put into words, more than words could ever describe, and more than we could ever show! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and have our wonderful Sitrick family!
We hope everyone can stop by to celebrate at Callie's 1st Birthday Party!!!

Bubbs and Boo Boos

Jakobe at 12 Months Old
Callie at 11 1/2 Months Old

This Girl Is Everywhere!

The Chair
The Floor
She loves to open and close doors
The table
The window
Blowing kisses
Playing with Daddy
Getting kisses from Daddy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Callie's Baptism-9/12/2010

Callie was baptized on September 12th, 2010 by Pastor Jack Mithelman at Luther Memorial Church. She looked so beautiful in her white dress. She had a beautiful ceremony. She was a doll the entire time. She was all smiles and clapped throughout the service. She didn't cry or fuss once. She was a little angel.
We had a BBQ after her baptism. A little over 20 friends and family showed up to celebrate with lots of food, drinks, and cake! Callie received numerous gifts. A good friend of mine, Jessica, made Callie's baptism cake. She did an amazing job and it tasted as good as it looked! Thank you to everyone who shared Callie's special day with us! We are truly blessed to have our two beautiful, amazing, fun, and loving children. The world wouldn't be the same without them! We are blessed everyday!

 This is Jakobe on his baptism day. It's kind of fun to compare the two. Jakobe was 8 months old and Callie is 11 months old.

Jakobe's God Parents-Bill and Leslie.
Callie's God Parents-Bill and Leslie.
Also, a big thanks to Bill and Leslie Boettcher (Aunt Louy and Uncle Bo) for being both Callie and Jakobe's God Parents! We are all so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

LOOK AT HER GO! ----Video

Callie is getting better and better walking with her push toy! She'll be walking before we know it!

Callie Got Ear Tubes.

Callie bug has been getting a lot of ear infections lately so it was time to get her tubes, just like her brother. Jakobe also got tubes put in when he was 14 months old. Callie is 11 months old. She got to wear a cute little yellow hospital gown. She looked so adorable. They put her 'tag' on her ankle and she enjoyed playing with it and chewing on it. The procedure took less than 10 minutes and she was in our arms again in the recovery room. When she woke up, she was very fussy, hungry, and confused. We took her home about an hour after surgery. She slept most of that morning. Got up to play a little in the afternoon, then went back to sleep. When she woke up in the evening, she was all smiles and had fun playing with her brother. She's a tough little girl. I'm sure she feels much better not having the pressure in her ears and head. She has a lot of bloody discharge from one ear. The doctor said when he cut into both ears, puss just oozed out. Yuck! We have to give her ear drops 3 times a day for 10 days and a antibiotic 3 times a day for 10 days also. She's back at daycare today and doing great!!!