Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Their Smile!

I thought it'd be fun to get out Jakobe's 9 month picture and compare it to Callie's. I think they definitely look a lot a like. Their smile and nose are identical. They are both too cute!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jakobe and Watermellon!

Jakobe has a new favorite fruit....Watermellon! He just loves it! This mom isn't complaining though! Better than M&Ms!

Bumping Up and Down in My Little Red Wagon!

Grandma Jane took the kids on a wagon ride!

Matching Skull PJ's!

The kids have matching skull pajamas! I guess they are appropriate since Jakobe decided to say hello to a curb this weekend! He was running and tripped and fell and smacked his face into the curb. He hit it hard. Scraped up his face and cut his finger pretty good. He cried for a minute and then was ready to go back and play again. I knew my kid was tough but wow, he can sure take a face plant to the cement!

Callie's New Bling!

Callie got her ears pierced yesterday! She looks like a little lady. She did an amazing job and wasn't a drama queen like I expected. She didn't cry at all with the first piercing. With the second ear, she cried for 10, maybe 15 seconds. Once her pacifier was put into her mouth and I held her she was just fine. She hasn't pulled, tugged, or even touched them. They don't seem to bother her at all. I have to clean them 3 times a day and rotate the earring. In 8 weeks we can get her some real bling! I think Diamond earrings would be a great 1st birthday present for this little lady!

Monday, June 21, 2010