Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's just so cute! ---Video

I just think Jakobe climbing up in his high chair is so cute. Here's another video.

19 Months Old!

Jakobe is 19 months old...and in a few short months he will be a big brother! He weighs 22 lbs 12 oz. He is 30 inches tall. He has a couple new words: ''Hi" and "Bubba". I call him Bubba all the time. He can get into his high chair all by himself however, he can't get down. He follows directions very well. He loves to play basketball with daddy and loves when we sing his song to him. "I love Jakobe". He waves at everything. He loves to dance. His favorite cartoon is Yo Gabba Gabba. He loves to run and is very fast. He has so much energy from the minute he wakes up to when he goes to bed. We get him up around 6:45 every morning and his bedtime is 9 pm. He uses a spoon and fork at most meals and can drink through a straw. He is so much fun. He is always so happy and has so much personality. We can't believe how fast he is growing up. Maybe he'll be able to help change a few of Callie's diapers :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh No!

Jakobe has figured out how to climb up in his high chair!

Fun at the Park!

He's trying to walk up the slide.
He also tried to walk down the slide.

Monday, August 17, 2009

How Much Cuter Can He Get???

Eating some dinner. Yummy.
Daddy bought Jakobe a mini basketball hoop. He took it to our good friend Luke who does air brushing and this is how it turned out! Go Hawkeyes! Look, it even has Jakobe's initials 'JDS' on there too! Thanks Luke!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Love Jakobe....I Love Jakobe...Hey Hey Hey Hey!

David and I have made up a song for Jakobe and he dances to it. He usually claps his hands along with us but was just so into dancing this time he must have forgot.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Dancing King!

A cute video of Jakobe dancing to Pinocchio.

Give Baby A Kiss.

I asked Jakobe to give baby a kiss........ and he did. Kissing my belly.

Where's the Baby?

Jakobe usually does this much better but this was all I was able to catch on video. I ask him "Where is baby?" He will lift up my shirt and point to my belly and say "bebe". I couldn't get him to point and say bebe but he did lift up my shirt and then decided to run away.

Playing in His PJ's!

Jakobe was supposed to be winding down and getting ready for bed. He wanted to play with daddy instead.
Watching his new movie from Grandma Jane. Pinocchio. Before bed.