Tuesday, May 26, 2009

16 Months and 20 Pounds Later!

Laying in his playroom on his baseball pillow watching Scooby Do!
Take a look at the scale!!!
HE MADE IT!!! JAKOBE FINALLY REACHED 20 POUNDS!!! At 16 months he weighs 20 lbs 13 oz. He has 10 teeth. Some new things are: he likes to be chased, can run now, holds up 'number 1' with finger, can follow simple directions, brings you something you ask for (example: ball, sippy cup, or a specific toy), cheers for himself (claps and says yeah), does a thing we call his 'gangster walk', makes a high pitched noise that sounds like a pig squealing when he wants something, goes into his bedroom and waits by his crib when we tell him it's bedtime. New words: He finally says 'Mama' and 'Yeah'. Jakobe is just itching to get more and more words out. You can just see him study your mouth when you talk to him. He babbles constantly and he screams out of excitement. He is loud! Like his mom! He likes to put things in the cat door....that fall down the stairs. He also likes to put things in the VHS slot: like waffles, markers and spoons! His favorite songs are 'Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee' and 'Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes'. His favorite books are "Zoo Picnic" and "Numbers". He is such a smart little boy. He is so much fun to play with and to interact with. We are so lucky to have such a sweet and handsome little boy!!!

The Zoo!

This fun thing sprayed water when the button was pressed. Jakobe kept pressing the button and he was soaked by the time he was done!
His two favorite animals. He kept waving to all the animals. It was so cute.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watch Out Tiger Woods!

Add VideoHe may be only 15 months old but he already likes to golf! Here is daddy teaching him how to golf so he can go play with daddy soon!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a fun and relaxing weekend for Mother's Day! It was a great weekend. We were able to spend a lot of time outside. It was so wonderful to spend time with my husband and son on Mother's Day! I am so lucky to have such a great family!

Bubbles! Lots and Lots of Bubbles!

We had a fun weekend playing with bubbles. Jakobe got a cool bubble blower for his birthday!
Watch the video!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Say Hello to the Pavement.

Jakobe got his first real boo boo yesterday while playing outside with David and I. He fell straight onto his head, hitting the pavement....hard. He cried for about 10 seconds and then was fine. We gave him lots of TLC though. What a tough little man!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

4 months pregnant!

Please check Callie's blog page for updated pregnancy pictures and ultrasound pictures. www.sitrickbaby2.blogspot.com It is also saved on this page to the right under 'blogs to follow' under Callie Jane Sitrick.

Ear Tubes...follow up

Jakobe is doing great! His ears don't even seem to be bothering him. There is a little drainage which will last a few days. We have to give him ear drops and antibiotics for the next week. He returned to daycare on Wednesday morning and seems to be doing just fine. We have noticed him babbling a lot more and screaming for fun. He can hear himself which he likes. I will keep you updated as to how he's doing. So far it's been a great success!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Busy Busy Bees!

We were so busy this weekend. Saturday we had a wedding and Sunday we had our annual Danish Brunch, Ashley's baby shower, and a confirmation party. Here are some pictures from our fun weekend!Meghan and Ashley. My good friends........who also perhaps to be both of Jakobe's full time daycare teachers. Yes.......we are all 3 pregnant!
Meghan is due in the early part of July and Ashley is due at the end of June! This was at Ashley's baby shower.
At the Danish brunch with Grandma Jane and Grandpa Ken.
Ruining mommies flowers.....but he was so cute doing it :)
A little play time outside!
Leaving the wedding. Jakobe couldn't WAIT to get down and walk!
At the wedding on Saturday morning.