Monday, September 29, 2008

Standing Baby!!!

Jakobe loves to pull himself up on basically anything he can.

The Pumpkin Farm

On Saturday we drove to Grinnell, Iowa to visit Carroll's Pumpkin Farm. Jakobe got to ride on a wagon ride out to the field and then got to pick out his pumpkins. He had a lot of fun. Here are the pumpkins he picked out. His baby pumpkin.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

8 months!

I can't believe our son is 8 months old! Where has the time gone? Jakobe weighs 15 lbs. 15 oz. New things he can do: CRAWL!!! He crawls very well. He has picked up on it very quickly. Once he figured it out he REALLY figured it out. He moves very fast. He is all over the house now. He loves to follow David and I. We walk in the kitchen and pretty soon we hear his little hands on the hardwood floor coming closer and closer to us and before we know it he's right at our feet. It's so cute. He is finally starting to teeth, I felt a bump on his lower gum. He loves to blabber. He also loves to say 'dadadadadadadada'. He can feed himself his own bottle. Plays with many toys, moving objects from one hand to the other. He loves noisy toys (what baby doesn't)? He can pull himself up on furniture including his crib which we just lowered last night. Has moved onto eating 3rd foods (more chunky baby food). Loves to give hugs and kisses. He will grab your face and put his lips on your lips. It's my favorite. Oh and his favorite song is patty cake. He loves that. He is continuing to grow and learn everyday. It's so much fun to watch and play with him. He's so adorable!
Look at me! Giving mommy kisses!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's REALLY Time To Lower The Crib!

It only took him a few days to go from getting up on his knees to standing up all the way!

Monday, September 22, 2008


It finally happened late Friday evening! Jakobe crawled!!! 9/19/2008. He had been crawling backwards for the longest time. He finally went forward!!! Yah!

It's Time To Lower The Crib!

First Mohawk!

Monday, September 8, 2008

7 Month Professional Pictures

It's Breakfast Time!

Bath Time Fun!

All clean! A little video of Jakobe playing in the tub. Notice the police ducky!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Grandma Jane and Grandpa Ken

Playing with the dogs. Jill, Boo Boo, and Jack. Showing Jack his pacifier. Kisses from Jill.

Bouncing Baby!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jakobe and Carson Finally Meet!

The boys finally meet. Jakobe met his cousin Carson for the first time. They were super cute together. Jakobe even stole Carson's pacifier and put it in his own mouth. They later made up and held hands. Carson is 3 months younger than Jakobe. Jakobe about ready to take Carson's pacifier which is still attached to his shirt. Holding hands and saying I'm sorry. Notice Jakobe's shirt. My daddy's muscles are bigger than your daddy's.

1 Year Anniversary!

Can you believe it's been 1 year already? We spent our 1 year anniversary in Chicago. We stayed at The Drake Hotel. It was a perfect way to celebrate! We went shopping, out to dinner, and to Navy Pier. Cutting the top piece from our wedding cake. Rosebuds Steakhouse, downtown Chicago.
Navy Pier. Yes, we even went on the ferris wheel! Outside our hotel.