Friday, July 25, 2008

6 Month Professional Pictures

Jakobe's Girlfriend...........3 months later

Here is Brianna again. (Born 2/29/08). These were taken on Jakobe's 6 month birthday. I think Brianna has already hit the stage where boys have cooties. Jakobe didn't seem to mind being pushed around by a girl.
Here are their pictures together almost 3 months ago.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sitting Up!

Here is Jakobe sitting up all by himself. The pillows are there when he falls. He can sit up for a couple minutes at a time before he falls over. He's getting the hang of it.

Daddy playing with Jakobe. I have all these pictures of Jakobe and I on the blog. I figured it was time to put something up with David and Jakobe. Here is a cute little video of the two interacting.

6 months old~ I can't believe it!

Jakobe had his 6 month doctors appointment yesterday. He weighs 15.2 pounds (20th percentile) and measured 25 inches (10th percentile). His head is 16 inches. At 6 months Jakobe can pick up his pacifier and put it in his mouth. Hold his own bottle. Reach and pick up objects. Move objects from one hand to the other. Sit up by himself for a few minutes then falls over. Continues to laugh and squeal. Is still working on crawling. Now eats 'big boy food'. And the best of all...........he loves bath time!!! Oh, and tonight we are having his 6 month pictures taken.

Sitting up all by himself! Yeah!
Playing at daycare. Today is 4 months at daycare. He started when he was exactly 2 months old. Jakobe loves daycare. He has many friends that he loves to play with. He gets to make an art project at least once a week. (You should see his art wall at home~it's covered). All of the staff fight over him and say that Jakobe is their favorite. Jakobe gets taken out of his room numerous times a day to go visit the staff at the front desk. He seriously is the cutest baby at daycare. Next month he will get moved up to the infant room!

Monday, July 21, 2008

World's of Fun!!!

On Saturday, David and I went to World's of Fun with Amy and her boyfriend Kevin. This is us on the Timber Wolf. That is Amy and Kevin behind us. We had a lot of fun although the weather was around 100 degrees. Jakobe loves his keys.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Green Beans..........Yum

Yesterday was the first time that Jakobe had baby food. He gets the concept of opening his mouth but his tongue gets in the way. He puts his tongue up, making it hard to get the little spoon in his mouth. Then when he tries to swallow he moves his tongue back and forth pushing 95% of the food out of his mouth and onto his face. I really can't complain though, he did a great job for his first time with something other than formula.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mommy's 25th Birthday!

Yesterday was my birthday. We brought Jakobe over to Grandma Jane's to baby-sit while David and I went out for drinks with some of his co-workers.

Jakobe absolutely loves the outdoors. He enjoyed watching the leaves on the tree. He kept pulling on the leaves and trying to put them in his mouth.

David, Josh, me, Cristie, Stephanie, and Cynthia at Jimmy's American Cafe.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Daddy's New Car! Finally!

David got a brand new car on Saturday. A 2008 Honda Accord. He is overly excited. He absolutely loves it! So do Jakobe and I!

What a Fun Weekend!

Jakobe's 1st parade. The Ankeny Summerfest parade on Saturday morning.
Look at all the candy he got! He even got that teddy bear!
Great-Grandpa Papa.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Jakobe's 1st Vacation!

Jakobe went on his first vacation. We went to our lake cabin in Wisconsin for a week over the 4th of July. Jakobe had a great time. He did such a good job the entire trip. He was a saint during the 7 hour car ride. He slept most of the time. The rest of the time he played with his toys or watched the DVD player we had set up for him. His favorite movie is the Aristocats! Some of the things he got to do were: Swimming, Kiddie Water Park, High Cliff, Green Bay Zoo (where he fed a giraffe), Lambeau Field (where the Green Bay Packers play), Brett Favre's Steakhouse, and watching fireworks! David, Jakobe, and I had such a wonderful family vacation. We can't wait to go again next year over the 4th of July!

Watching the movie Shrek.

Jakobe fell asleep before I even got him off the changing table after a day of swimming at the Y.
At the Kiddie Water Park. He loved to put his hand over the water.

Just got done playing in the water.
At the Green Bay Zoo.
MY FAVORITE PICTURE! Jakobe actually fed the giraffe a cracker. Look closely and you can see the cracker going into the giraffe's mouth. It was really neat.
Eating dinner as a family.
At High Cliff.

Happy 4th of July!!!
Brett Favre's Steakhouse.
The Green Bay Packer's Pro Shop.
Jakobe's turn to drive! (Just kidding, we stopped to feed him and let him stretch his legs on the way home)
Jakobe thought it was funny to have more milk on his face than in his tummy.