Thursday, December 20, 2007

8 months!

I am now 32 weeks along. I'm so ready for Jakobe to come. I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. My last appt was on Dec. 12th. I have gained a total of 20 pounds so far. My next appt. is Dec. 26th. I won't be surprised if I'm up to 25 pounds by then. My back is killing me and if it weren't for heating pads, I'd be a real mess. My knees are starting to hurt from the weight gain, and just think, I still have almost 2 more months of this!!! It will be all worth it in the end! Oh and if you take a close look you can see that my belly button is just starting to pop out!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

7 months!

I am now 28 weeks. My last doctor's appt was a week ago. I have gained a total of 16 pounds. I'm feeling pretty good right now. Eating tons though. The fatigue is really starting to kick in again, like it was in the first trimester. I feel him move all the time. I can now tell the difference between a foot, hand, or elbow when he kicks or punches me. Sometimes he will kick me and I will give him a little poke back then he'll kick me back again. It's like a game to him.

6 months!

I am now 24 weeks. I am really looking 'pregnant' now. I have been so exhausted lately with the move into our new house. I don't feel him move much during the day when I'm active, but the moment I lay down he's having a party in my stomach. I love feeling him move. It's the best part of pregnancy so far. It lets me know that everything is OK with him. I love talking to him and rubbing my belly. It's such an amazing feeling knowing that our son is in there. My last doctor's appt was Oct. 12th. I have gained a total of 10 pounds now.

5 months!

I am now 20 weeks. This past week was really exciting for David and I. We were in the car when all of a sudden I felt this strong tickle in my stomach, as a reaction I put my hand on my stomach and right then I felt Jakobe's very first kick. I quickly grabbed David's hand and placed it on my stomach, and again, a hard kick. David said, "Oh I felt something!" I then placed my hand back on my stomach waiting to feel it again. I began to get tears in my eyes. It was such an emotional and special moment, feeling my son kick me for the first time and David finally feeling him for the first time. This was on Sept. 24th and I will never forget how it made me feel. It was amazing!

4 months!

This is my first pregnancy picture. I am now 16 weeks. I have had a very rough 1st trimester. I have been very sick and put on nausea medication. I wasn't able to keep food or even liquids down, therefore I was put in the hospital for dehydration. I am so tired all the time. I literally could sleep all day. No matter how much sleep I get it's never enough. I haven't gained any weight yet. I have actually lost 4 pounds from being so sick.